Hi, I’m @josefoviedo

💻 Aspiring technical data analyst and data viz enthusiast…

A little about me…

baby_coder <- foundational-learning-to-maybe-code-?(2021_me_v1.0)

slightly_older_baby_coder <- skills_coming_along(git, sql, tableau, r, python, md (2023_me_v1.1))

Some more about me …

🌱 I’m currently learning how to continue developing my technical skills with my unique learning style and get over impostor syndrome. I am also working everyday to build up my portfolio of personal projects to showcase my growing computer programming skills alongside my established business administration mindset.

💞️ I’m looking to collaborate or be a sounding board on … analysis preparation, data governance, data structures, data pipelines, data collection, data vizzes, case study/eda competitions, tackling real-world business tasks using simulated data (fakeR, charlatan, bindata, etc.), Rmd/md code reviews, ai/ml data modeling

👀🔎 Find me (LinkedIn, Personal Website), my personal vizzes (Tableau Public), case study projects in Rmd/md/html_document formats (RPubs, Kaggle), and online data community presence (Twitter, stackoverflow, Google Dev) …

LinkedIn: click here

Personal Website: click here

Tableau_Portfolio: click here

RPubs_Portfolio: click here

Kaggle_Portfolio: click here

Twitter: click here

stackoverflow_Profile: click here

GoogleDev_Profile: click here